
The meaning of my dream!
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medicine wheel:

Key words: Powerfully, - decided, - courageously, - strongly, - tradition-conscious, - a vision after, - trust, - southern soul path. Description: The salmon is associated in the medicine wheel with the middle, position of the southern soul path and with the trust. He is a powerful swimmer who seems to be born with the necessary knowledge which guarantees the survival for the kind. Salmons return every year to the same place where quite other of her kind were before them to spawn and also to die there. This fish undertakes big efforts to visit his spawn reason. Every now and then salmons about waterfalls buckle or jump short time completely out of the water., Among the rest, they seem in North America and Northern Europe and are an important food for the people living there. General meaning: Your determination, - searches for your true nature, - encyclopaedia about your strength, knowledge about your instinct. Association: Laxity - a floppy and negligent setting, - a colour. Transcendent meaning: The courage and the strength, your own way to follow your vision quite all the same which obstacles must be overcome.


The salmon stands for fullness and masculinity and is a phallic symbol. His mating urge allows to swim upstream him what makes him also the symbol for sperm. In the dream of a woman the salmon can be a tip to a desired pregnancy. In general he stands like most fish in the dream for the basic desires of the person, above all for the survival desire. Because the dreaming is ready to undertake strains, his efforts are recompensed.


In the mythology the salmon is a symbol for the knowledge from other worlds (from the countries under the sea). In the dream interpretation he refers primarily to the unconscious.



  • see: pleasing experiences,
  • catch: you will get engaged,
  • eat: a dear marriage enter.

(European ones).:

  • are valid as a good omen, - luck and pleasant duties approach,
  • catch: means that one will make a finding by which one attains profit and advantage,
  • eat: says that one finds advantageous and hears,
  • spoilt: Family tiff,
  • she will marry
  • consumed a young woman a salmon, a happy man who disposes of the means to satisfy them.


  • catch: your trouble will be recompensed richly,
  • eat: you will make a valuable finding.
(See also fish, trout)

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