
The meaning of my dream!
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Old people


Old people can embody wisdom and experience of life in the dream and then admonish maybe that one should behave sensible, - they can also appear as a counsellor who give concrete recommendations. The old people sometimes behave in the dream also maliciously and often warn about own bad qualities for which they stand symbolic. The vision often shows an old person in the shape of a witch, a Quälers or Querulanten, - here the evil is described in ourselves which we should overcome. In particular cases is to be considered whether they are own parents whose influence on the personal development or conflicts with them express, - this arises from the respective accompanying circumstances. The old woman in the way is the symbol of the ancient motherly life which spins in the fate thread. If an older woman appears in the dream, is to be checked whether it concerns, besides, a person who has played a role in the childhood of the dreaming, stood, e.g., the mother, grandmother, aunt or child minder, and in which respect the dreaming to this person or stands still. However, the old woman can also show personal qualities of the dreaming. If it is, nevertheless, an unknown old woman, it concerns after C.G.Jung the archetypal picture of the 'big mother'. An old man indicates generally that the soul of the dreamer is near a big, cleaning strength. If it concerns an unknown old man, in this case the archetypal symbol of the 'old manners is' after C. G. Jung appeared. This symbol stands for experience of life and life wisdom and is to be understood positively. There can be to the dreaming also often useful tips. If an old man or an old man appears in the dream, the known people resembles, the respect of the dreaming with this person must be considered like with old woman. From the whole dream action a negative meaning can be also picked out, perhaps if it concerns a known old man. Then the dream should be understood as a reminder to check his behaviour towards his person critically. If one sees himself as an old person, points out presumably to the fact that one sticks too much in outdated images, traditions and well-worn habits which limit the life or if one feels old himself, although one is still young, a maturation process stands before his end.



  • friendly old people: you collect rich experiences,
  • old man see (with negative accompanying feeling): Illness and death,
  • see unknown old man: Reminder to the meditation, - warning of evil people in own surroundings, - you will find clever friends who help you,
  • see old woman: Signs of timidity, weakness, grief and worries in very next time,
  • feel old: it expect to an honour and dignity, - also: Wisdom and distance of the things should be reached.


  • to dream, one is older than in reality, a recommendation explains to pay attention to his food and his sleep.
  • to dream, one is younger, means that a general improvement of the living conditions will enter.
  • A very old person in the dream to see, a symbol is for the next happy time.
  • suggests In general the picture to the dreaming to lose itself not out of sight. In the time which remains to him the dreaming can verify some one dream. (Child-)

(European ones).:

  • reminder to the meditation, - warning before bad inclinations, old people can be also evil,
  • see an old, unknown man: now one should show more deliberation and think about himself himself, - also: he sometimes warns about evil people in the surroundings,
  • a man dreams
  • of an old woman: a good sign, - it means luck in the love and in business things,
  • dreams a woman of an old woman: if a peaceful and quiet time forecasts,
  • dreams a woman of an old man: if means absolute loyalty of the husband,
  • a man dreams
  • of an old man: he will find a new friend,
  • see an old woman general: a symbol for timidity, weakness or worries in very next time,
  • many old people see: luck-promising dream,
  • in scoundrel: Difficulties,
  • see happy: if is from good premeaning, - luck and being contented,
  • see unhappy: an unhappy career will depress them,
  • be: one becomes younger in his views.
(See also Old, mother, father)

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