
The meaning of my dream!
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The obstacle which positions itself to the dreaming in the dream in the way is to be taken in his meaning literally and can be transferred always directly on the awake life. Obstacles in the dream can accept many shapes: Embankment, wall, hill, mountain, dark wood and so forth. Undecidedness and selfdoubt, the biggest obstacles of every development, can be expressed in the dream every now and then in materialised form. Sometimes it is difficult for the person to meet his inhibitions and fears if they are not 'handy. If a person dreams, for example, of the fact that she has chosen a street in the wrong direction or has got into the wrong train, this points to the fact that she has chosen the wrong way in a life situation. Mostly it is clear to the dreaming that he must overcome these obstacles. The kind, as he masters the situation in the dream, can be useful to him in the solution of everyday problems.


At this level obstacles require in the dream of the dreaming to take seriously them and to check his determination for the spiritual way in them.



  • note in any enterprise: protracted toils will exhaust your patience.


  • have: you will have to suffer a disappointment in the love.
(See also abyss, car, mountain,' hill ',' limping ',' trip ',' wall' etc.)

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