
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - sudden, forcible change. Question: - What is ready to burst out?


It is often a danger sign, indicates that something is not right in our central nervous system. In the dream the explosion expels as bomb and dynamite as a rule to high internal tension, irritability, restlessness and nervousness, as well as to sudden violent escaping of energy or to a psychic breakdown or on a violent quarrel. If a violent explosion of the rage, the fear or sexual relaxation is felt rather like a thunderstorm, this has the meaning that the discussion looks settling. The explosion can refer to the private, as well as to the professional area of the dreaming. Further details can be seen from the whole dream action. A dream can be a protected space in which such a catharsis occurs safely. One should pay attention to what explodes in the dream to be able to read from it a possible menace of our psychic and physical well-being. Noise sensations from the outside, they an immediate one awake cause, are sometimes integrated into the vision itself, hence, can be interpreted only in connection with other symbols.


An explosion in the dream refers at the spiritual level in a kind of revelation.



  • see: one should prepare for an unexpected surprise which is connected with a fright.

(European ones).:

  • in general: bad actions of being close people will prepare for a temporarily grief and losses, - a business development will be disappointing, - Something what one hid long comes to light.
  • of a shell: a big fright experience,
  • see: an unexpected surprise threatens which is connected with a fright,
  • see and afterwards jerkily wake: a physical disturbance is given,
  • bring something to the explosion: others into fear and terror move,
  • see: the nervous restlessness which will lie down all of a sudden,
  • see smoke and rubble in the air: Discontent in business circles and a lot of hostility,
  • is enclosed by the fire or by the explosion high in the air are flung: Of their not worthy friends will abuse your trust,
  • with deaths: one will come out of a critically dangerous situation without taking damage,
  • of a big factory with blaze: if an advantageous event tells in,
  • think own face or another blackened or distortedly: without own closing of an indiscretion are accused and the circumstances speak, however, against one,
  • young women should watch out after such a dream for contacts with the other gender.
(See also atom bomb, flash, "thunder, 'dynamite', 'thunderstorm')

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