
The meaning of my dream!
Interpret your dreams online. Over 9,000 dream symbols are available.

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The awakening in the dream is a very original dream symbol which is to be understood completely positively. Somebody awake a favorable portent which promises new friendship is to be seen. To dream of own awakening new examination and knowledge symbolises. Professional or personal re-orientations take a good course. However, can wake also the dreaming admonish, finally, to wake up, to go more bright and more determined through the life. Waking up the sleeping mostly follows the awakening in the dream.



  • from the sleep: a news find out.


  • The symbol points to a clear, sober head and right decisions in the next future and wants to remind the dreaming to remain with his aims and the smashed way and not to deviate now from it: Successful times approach!

(European ones).:

  • wake another: good omen, above all if is of the Schläfer in the bed with white bedclothes.
(See also Wake, Sleep of)

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