
The meaning of my dream!
Interpret your dreams online. Over 9,000 dream symbols are available.

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Husband (man, woman) can indicate the longing for an intensive interpersonal respect not only in the marriage and appears above all with isolated people. Old dream books see the symbol of the secure prosperity in the wife, while the husband promises a good material care. Now and again both symbols can also admonish to look more after informal matters.



  • husband or wife: you run danger to be disappointed.

(European ones).:

  • if they are single (widowers or widow) and from a marriage dream: if they are animated in any form in addition or receive an application,
  • as single in love: quarrel with a being close person approaches,
  • spouses dream
  • of each other: thus her wishes will come true.


  • is open to your members of the family.
(See also marriage)

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