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Precious stones

Association: - Treasure, - essence, - Valuably. Question: - What is valuable? What do I hold in myself for valuable?


Precious stone has the general meaning of jewellery. The seldom seeming mineral is often the eye-catcher of a nice piece of jewellery, - translates: the core of our Ichs which would like to shine outwardly. All kinds of precious stones are symbols for intrinsic values such as self-confidence in the dream, however, pride, reliability, confidence, permanence and ability of getting through, they can also express the wish for these qualities. Because he special prominent qualities (as clarity, shine, and a certain fire) owns refers he to the high arrangements of the dreamer in the awake life. The depth psychology sees him, however, mostly as an inclination to exterior things and the lacking striving for deeper knowledge. According to the accompanying circumstances in the dream one can recognise in it still the following meanings:
  • If precious stones in the dream a role play, then they stand almost always for the things which the dreaming appreciating. This can be personal qualities, as for example integrity, authenticity or even own being core. As soon as the person knows what he searches, the value of the things, his surroundings and the possible experiences is deliberate to him.
  • tried the dreaming on a mountain or in a cave precious stones to find, he takes care of those personality components which could help to him in his future.
  • Counting he precious stones or he tries to estimate her value, then this is a tip that he still needs time to the reflexion.
  • precious stones can see or shop register that one gives way to a temptation and will thereby suffer a damage or loss.
  • precious stones sell announces against it a financial success.
  • possession of precious stones should point above all to more respect, the loss warns about the fact that one can damage his call.
  • the often excessive pride which will damage to itself indicates
  • Carrying one precious stones (for example, in a ring). The greater and glittering the stone, the more vainly the person who carries him.
  • however,
  • Who loses a precious stone, to that points from his crown probably break.
  • state and colour of the precious stones play
  • An important role, on this occasion.
  • lights them strongly, the positive meaning thereby increases.
  • stones with dark inclusions or jumps have a negative symbolic value, they point to deception by others, or a respect has got 'a jump'.
  • a blue jewel shows the freeing from a topical problem.
  • green jewels or precious stones can point to security and rest, but also to envy.

in the dream interpretation every precious stone is interpreted as follows:

  • agate (black): If prosperity, courage, confidence and expressiveness symbolises.
  • a red agate puts peace, spiritual love to God, health, prosperity and a long life.
  • amethyst: It is the precious stone of the healing and the dream influencing. Moreover, he is associated with humility, soul peace, trust, selfrestriction and resignation.
  • aquamarine: He embodies hope, youth and health.
  • amber: If kristalliertes light and magnetism performs official duties.
  • beryl: One says, beryl shows luck, hope and everlasting youthfulness.
  • blood jasper: He reflects peace and understanding and hears all wishes.
  • chrysolite: If wisdom, discretion, action feeling, cleverness performs official duties.
  • Chrysopras: If cheerfulness, unreserved cheerfulness, the symbol of the joy symbolises.
  • diamond: If human avarice, the hardness of the nature and human values symbolises in cosmic
  • sense. In addition, it is a symbol of the durability and incorruptibility as well as the steadfast loyalty, sincerity and innocence.
  • Gagat: Although he is ordinarily brought with the dark feelings, like grief and grief, in connection, he watches away over the security.
  • garnet: If devotion, loyalty and charm symbolises. A garnet can help at the energy level.
  • green garnet: If simplicity, modesty and luck influences within the scope of humility.
  • Hyazinth: Partial loyalty and the truthfulness contained in it, but also the present of the second face and modesty.
  • jade: Stands for unusual and excellent, as well as for the heavenly power of the Jang and all joys walking along with it.
  • jasper: If means joy and luck.
  • carbuncle stones: It is associated with regulation, success and self-assurance.
  • cornelian: If friendship, courage, assurance and health symbolises.
  • reflector: Stands for longevity, survival ability and the pale moon.
  • corundum: Influence and help creates spiritual stability.
  • crystal: If cleanness, simplicity and different magic elements symbolises.
  • Lapislazuli: If divine goodwill, success and the ability in perseverance causes.
  • Magnetit: If sincerity and honesty reflects, - the male power influences.
  • moonstone: Stands for the moon and his magic qualities as well as for tenderness and romantic love.
  • Olivin: Points there to simplicity, modesty and luck in modest frame.
  • onyx: If astuteness, sincerity, spiritual strength and wedded bliss symbolises.
  • opal: If not only loyalty explains, but also religious passion, prayer and permanence of the spiritual faith.
  • Peridot: If the strengthened friendship and also the flash symbolises.
  • pearl: Symbolises the female principles of the chastity and cleanness, moreover, the moon and the water.
  • ruby: It is put in respect with all what deals by royal size: Would become, devotion, power, love, passion, beauty, longevity and inviolability.
  • sapphire: Represented, worldly loyalty, virtuousness, contemplation and the female side
  • chastity.
  • emerald: If immortality, hope, youth, loyalty and also the beauty of the spring puts.
  • Topas: Stands in respect with the beauty of the divine in the form of goodness, loyalty, friendship, love and cleverness, - as well as symbolises also the sun.
  • turquoise: He represents courage, physical and spiritual fulfilment as well as success.
  • Turmalin: If inspiration, imagination and friendship explains.
  • zircon: If world cleverness, but also honour and the charm of the wonderful symbolises.


From spiritual view precious stones and her interpretation can speed up the personal development.



  • see: you will get in temptation,
  • many own: you reach to office and honour,
  • find: if promises something honourable which will happen to one
  • lose: watch out for thieves, - you fall victim to a theft,
  • receive: you judge a thing wrong.


  • of precious stones is to be dreamt a warning before a row of small losses which could appear. The person concerned should be during the next days very carefully in business matters, but also with his words and in his actions. He inclines to be deceived strongly towards external shine and towards material values.

(European ones).:

  • see: predict a happy lot in love and shops, - also: a material temptation attracts,
  • own: one will reach to high honour and respect,
  • carry: one is too haughty and egoistic,
  • find: one will happen to one some valuable,
  • many find: one will get in poverty,
  • find a blue one: if means a new idea, an inspiration or a new field of knowledge,
  • find a red one: promises pleasing meetings in the love,
  • a yellow one: new chances arise by varied contacts,
  • a violet one: more religious deepening would be good for one, because from it valuable examination or 'help from On top' could arise,
  • lose: meant disgrace,
  • see with others: there appear the temptations which one should reject
  • get as a gift: if luck registers in all, in particular concerning the enlargement of the property,
  • shop: you will be able to reach the expected with some trouble, - loss,
  • sell: Improvement of the material situation.


  • your trust to the people is strongly shaken.
(See also jewels, jewellery and under single precious stone name)

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