
The meaning of my dream!
Interpret your dreams online. Over 9,000 dream symbols are available.

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Association: - Curative or unconscious making. Question: - What would like I to damp or intensify?


  • If in the dream drugs a role play, this points to the fact that the dreaming maybe needs help from the outside, so that he can change his consciousness.
  • however,
  • you can be also a remedial factor with the restoration of the internal balance.
  • becoming to the dreaming of a skilled to drugs in terms of drugs gives, this means that he accepts the bigger knowledge of another person.
  • this closes
  • Acquiring of the dreaming drugs on unlawful way, by a banked risk readiness.
  • The dreaming possibly tries
  • with the aid of drugs to deny the reality.
  • then he believes
  • Taking the dreaming in his dream drugs, to have lost the control of his life and to have to count on external stimulants.
  • a disagreeable drug experience in the dream can be led back on the fear to lose the mind.
  • must the dreaming against his will drugs can be given, is a possible interpretation that the dreaming is made accept a disagreeable truth.


Certain drugs serve the aim to cause an euphoric state or a change in awareness. Thus they are seen a method of the knowledge support. However, the value of such knowledge remains dubious, because it is induced a result of the drug and not in natural manner.


(European ones).:

  • a successful speculation, - one is surrounded by a lot of clap.
(See also opium, drunkenness)

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