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medicine wheel:

Key words: Trusted, - musically, - connection. Description: The sparrow is a sparrow's bird who came from Europe in the United States. He has well settled down and is to be found in the country as well as in the towns of North America. General meaning: Beauty in the confidant. Association: Dear the sparrow in the hand as the pigeon on the roof. Transcendent meaning: A gift of spiritual strength in something which seems usual.

In general:

Sparrow often warns about empty promises or about clap and gossip. However, he can also indicate the need for sociability, above all with several sparrows.


The sparrows in the dream can be translated as the sparrows who whistle 'it of all roofs' by which even the bestgehütete secret is soon a known from town. Who holds prisoner sparrows in a net or under his hat, is probably sometimes a little impolite in the awake life (then he has 'sparrows under the cap').



  • many see: Sign for quarrel and quarrel, - it passes the danger to get in an ugly Klatscherei,
  • feed: is also good to small people,
  • see flying: Loss of the property,
  • catch: you are contented with little,
  • shoot: this was not a big heroic deed.

(European ones).:

  • many see: one pays attention too much to bad Clap-purely and is not able to distinguish any more clearly, - a lot of annoyance and quarrel is released by ugly clap,
  • see: promises devoted friends, - one is surrounded by love and luxury and has an open ear for everybody which complains to one his grief, - the generosity makes very much popularly,
  • hear twittering: if a sociable being together tells in the circle of friends in,
  • catch one: one is a very undemanding person,
  • injured: prophesy sadness.


  • see flying: you will receive only empty promises,
  • many hear twittering: you will be got involved in a bad Klatscherei,
  • many together see: Downfall,
  • shoot: you help to you and other,
  • catch: you will have an unexpected meeting.
(See also sparrows,' birds')

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