Old dream books interpret bun as a general successful symbol. The purchase should announce profits, one eats them, promises the success by perseverance. One also understands bun flour in terms of respect and success.
- see: good food get,
- refines eat: you will experience big joy,
- old ones eat: one has deceived you,
- shop: you are too weak and give way too fast,
- cut: you are sparing.
(European ones).:
- means luck and blessing,
- bun crumbs: if a lot of money,
- bun flour: if means respect and recognition,
- shop: Health and well-being,
- eat: Fulfilment of some wishes.
- shop: Profit,
- eat: you go pertinaciously your way,
- cut: you are too sparing, thinks of your health,
- bun flour: you do other harm.