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Writing board


In case of the consideration of the school dreams the school room is importantly in his appearance. Particular importance has the chalkboard as the place, there knows on the black job stands. Bright and darkly, so deliberate made, possibly the arithmetic example of the life stands here, - sometimes these are also an exotic stroke. There is in the dream, because the soul is fair, the view, after the life to the dreamer up to now a lot of experience brought home, this would be prepared for the set task. An excuse is never accepted, as everybody knows, by the life. Who is not able to solve the dream job, that has apparently understood in the deliberate life his difficulties neither in her being nor in her Lösbarkeit. It is high time, is to be made up, for what still to be made up.


A writing board means a woman because takes up them all to possible coinage of letter. We call 'coinage' in the colloquial language also our children.



  • you lives about your relations.

(European ones).:

  • (writing board) in general: you will incur debts, - in the instantaneous situation one could use a good advice urgently,
  • see to the writing: soon one will have to pay for some teaching money,
  • see an empty one: in the next time one receives a communication which one should exactly follow
  • on one write: one will never learn something and come thereby again to damage, - also: one should make with his finances better to households and now no debts,
  • other on one see writing: one will receive a good advice,
  • wipe one: one will begin something with more consideration, than the last time.
(See also school)

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