
The meaning of my dream!
Interpret your dreams online. Over 9,000 dream symbols are available.

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In general:

Shivering in the dream can point either to fear of conflicts or to coldness. Also excitement or excitement may play a role. In the awake state the dreaming maybe comes for an end or climax.


If the dreaming trembles in his dream, he is short before it possibly to give up unaware behaviour patterns.


An ecstatic experience causes shivering, and the energy increases at the physical level almost to an orgiastischen experience. One can make this experience sometimes also in the dream.



  • big need and distress, - also: you should not be so afraid.

(European ones).:

  • announces an oversized punishment for a slight offence.


  • you will get in a disagreeable situation, master them, however, by your sharp mind.
(See also quake)

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