
The meaning of my dream!
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Advertisement / win over

In general:

The purpose of the advertisement is to sell something. A dream in which one is impressed by an advertisement very much or which one himself has sketched will remind to one of the ambition, or to one of the aims one has. Besides, is quite decisive for the interpretation what one recommended and to which conditions. Was she clear, does form well and impressively, or clumsily formulated? Has the time made recently the pure aims questionably?


In connection with the dream contents advertisement points to areas in the life which one must recognise and recognise. It rules the need to present itself and to be recognised as the person whom one is. If the dreaming himself is a subject of the advertisement, he should be opener in his activities. If friends are shown in the advertisement, the dreaming has possibly understood about the fact that they have the ability to help him in his plans. An advert in a hoarding could refer in the action manner of the dreaming, while a commercial represents on television the kind of his thinking.


On psychic way preserved information must be recognised and be moved spiritually.



  • Your will will force the success.

(European ones).:

  • the very bad approaches the woman who believes in the dream to advertise sought-after: Always she thinks, 'he' will make a marriage proposal to her now, and constantly she is disappointed. Disillusionment follows illusory hopes and shallow joys,
  • he has earned
  • Courting a man in the dream to somebody, no partner,
  • give up a newspaper advertisement: if a sign is for the coming difficulties,
  • of another advertising indicator read: a good sign.


  • marriage, profit.

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