Wash basins
- (a level vessel) see: Affection, - christening,
- of silver or gold see: Loyalty and devotion,
- of brass or copper: you can build on loyalty and reliability,
- with pure water: Your disagreement will pass and be so bigger the love around.
- with dirty water: Do not look what one speaks bad person of you, goes to order your way.
- blank: Your hopes do not come true yet, but it does not last long and you have what you want.
- wash in it: you will erase a guilt,
- of porcelain or stoneware: loyal servants,
(European ones).:
- wash in it: one will erase a guilt.
- promises freeing from worries, misery, illness, - close death,
- Bathing a young woman in a washbasin, can calculate you on account of her female charms on friendship.