
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - Direction change on the life. Question: - What must I handle to achieve my true aim?

In general:

Detour warns against deviating from the right life because then plans and intentions are condemned to the failure. Also spiritual immobility and complicated nature can be expressed in it.


The detour is the divergence on the life which costs us time - lifetime! Who makes a detour in the dream, should watch out according to opinion of the old Egyptians for bad advisers.



  • make: you are ill-advised, - also: your will asserts itself in spite of inhibitions,
  • hesitation you a decision no longer out, - you do not go for her from the way.

(European ones).:

  • make: one will achieve his aim only slowly.
(Look away also 'street', 'diversion',)

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