
The meaning of my dream!
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Flood / flood

Association: - Abundance in emotions. Question: - Which feelings are to me too much?

In general:

Dreams of floods refer because they frighten the dreaming, often on the freeing of positive energy there. As a rule it concerns a profit in suppressed or unaware feelings which must be got out of the way, before the dreaming can make real progress. If he is in the middle of a high water flood, this refers to the fact that he feels beaten from these emotions. If he observes, however how the high water spreads out, this selfcontemplation symbolises. A dream of a flood can point often also to depressions. Flood should warn after Old-Indian dream interpretation about financial difficulties. Deep-psychologically one interprets them as deliberate contents which flood the consciousness suddenly, - if the water to it looks murky, this can become dangerous.


With the vision of the flood can be indicated that the dreaming is flooded by his feelings and impressions. However, this dream symbol can also be a very strong warning signal, namely when the unconscious threatens to flood the consciousness, - then the psyche is possibly in serious danger. A psychosis can take thus her beginning. If a dream of a flood acts, he is to be taken seriously anyway. If it is difficult for the dreaming as a rule to express itself with words, a dream of a high water can get him the possibility to deal in adequate manner with his fears and worries.


A cycle is to an end, new begins. Old grief and emotional confusion become a further-washed. The head becomes clearer, and the way is cleaned forwards.



  • see: indicates at an unforeseen separation: one is demanded too much with his problems, - need and misery, - also: one might deal with a lot of obtrusive people who bother to one with all kinds of requests and wishes,
  • experience: one will be asked by several people around help and support,
  • besides,
  • set: one must seriously already announce himself on the coping of the possible difficulties which can appear in future and to himself, prepare,
  • run away before the water: one runs away before himself.

(European ones).:

  • certain feelings and desires become immoderate and under circumstances dangerous, - indicates events which might touch you particularly in the business area near, - unfavorably for dear affairs losses of all kind, - one avoids disputes,
  • see or experience: tells an obtrusive visit or traffic with an obtrusive person in,
  • towns or regions are flooded by dark tearing water: if big misfortune and death means by an awful disaster,
  • people are carried away by the flood: if promises grief and desperation which make the life pointless
  • a big area flooded with clear water: if profit and carelessness announces after apparently desperate fights with the destiny.
  • with one the water see flowing into the room: if misfortune and quarrel,
  • means with clear water a distinguished visit or special profit, with murky water
  • flee from it: one is on the run before himself.


  • see: your believers push you or also: you get in strife with your members.
(See also 'river', 'sea', 'stream', 'water')

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