
The meaning of my dream!
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Trick / Trickser (trick swindler)

In general:

If one brought forward a trick in a dream, has this impressed then the people, or did he fail? It can concern a dream warning that one tries in the awake life, tries to be much too clever, or also, that to manipulate others one.


At the psychological level forms of the Trickser the counterpole to the morally upright portion of the dreaming. In the dream that part is of the Trickser, the disastrous damage in the life of the dreaming can arrange. It is that figure to one in the wrong direction sends and questions deliberately wrong answered. Wants one to use dishonest means to reach something? Is it a deception?


In the Trickser the irresponsible part of his character meets the dreaming. He is not ripe yet for a serious spiritual development.



  • Believing not everything what you see.

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