
The meaning of my dream!
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medicine wheel:

Key words: Ledrig, - oily, - curative, - astringent, - stimulative, - reassuringly, - tasty, - clarity, - eastern soul path. Description: Rosemary is associated in the medicine wheel with the external position of the eastern soul path and with clarity. He has narrow, very fragrant, very oily, leathery looking sheets and blue blossoms. As a remedy he has been used against a row by disturbances. Rosemary is repeated that he should work astringent, stimulative, analgesic and be helpful with women's problems. Rosemary is also a popular herb. General meaning: To your life give the right spice. Association: Appetizing food smell, - Rosemarie - women's name. Transcendent meaning: Gift of spiritual clarity.



  • as an essence: if defamation registers,
  • as a plant: if means for loving separation, in general sadness,
  • blossoming: you get a marriage proposal.

(European ones).:

  • plant: if brings separation or general sadness.
  • sow: if joylessness and indifference and therefore misfortune brings in apparently healthy families,
  • as a spice: Recognition by diligence and attention.


  • pick: you will have profit in the business.

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