
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - quick movement, - escape, - joy in physical activity. Question: - What moves me?

In general:

Runnings (see or run themselves) made clear as one asserts himself in the life. If one wins a running, points to assurance. If one sees himself running, the fears and feeling of inferiority can register. In the dream it is more a Hinterherrennen what points to an opportunity missed in the awake life which one would still like to use afterwards, nevertheless (however, unfortunately, one comes with the running quite a lot out of breath).


Have you got in the dream out of breath? One runs and runs and runs - and then wakes usually (bathed in sweat): a typical stress phase dream which takes up the tempo of the day activities weiterspinnt and processes. To indicate maybe also as a tip that one feels slowly 'presecuted' from the hasty expiries which one 'does' to himself, one is on the move constantly 'rushed and breathlessly'. Relaxating!



  • even: you will overcome obstacles,
  • see: do not miss your work,
  • watch: one can overcome all obstacles if one handles with his forces economically.

(European ones).:

  • see in general: watch out for Übereilungen,
  • horse running or car racing: one will have to decide in a thing fast, otherwise one misses a chance,
  • watch one: if one divides all his forces well, one will be able to overcome the coming obstacles,
  • take part: others will challenge one for the success, - one will miss in a thing the connection,
  • win: one will overcome his competitors.


  • even: you will hit on the way to your luck still on some obstacles.
(See also running)

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