
The meaning of my dream!
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Easter egg

In general:

The Easter egg is a primeval symbol of the renewal. In the dream it leads the dreaming back to childhood recollections of providence and miracle. Maybe it also makes to him the transitoriness of the time deliberate. Easter egg is often understood as an announcement of financial profits, above all if one consumes it.


Indicates to dream of an Easter egg that to the dreaming at the spiritual level a big potential is accessible which he can release.


At the spiritual level the Easter egg in the dream whose connection with the spring is evident means rebirth and resurrection.



  • in general: a luck symbol for dear things,
  • hide: one should admit himself that one does not play to friends and towards good friend, with open maps,
  • look: one will enter a new relationship,
  • receive: one offers to you love and friendship,
  • eat: you will succeed in your enterprises, - also: Expression of a strong personal passion for somebody,
  • colour: you will receive a dear message.

(European ones).:

  • eat: Profit and happy experiences will enrich the life, - too passionate love will have unexpected or undesirable biological results,
  • give away: one will give loyal friendship, - to the courtship of another,
  • hide: meant passing separation of a beloved person, - one is not quite honestly to his friends,
  • look: one is in love, will tie on - one a hearty relation and get to know dear people,
  • find: one is loved,
  • receive given: a likeable person will make soon a declaration of love, - also: get to know from a relationship of two people to which one is closed.
(See also egg, colours)

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