
The meaning of my dream!
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In general:

An order is lent as a reward for good achievements or for bravery. The dreamer who displays on his breast order seems be roofed in the awake life on outward appearances and to be a little haughty. He is looked by his people, therefore, hardly friendly. If he sees, however carrying, other orders, he maybe admires the achievements of people which can be a model to him.


People strive to feel good, and need this feeling. An order in the dream confirms not the ability or success of the dreaming at the moment of the events, but shows a lasting recollection of this what he has performed. The order in the dream symbolises that the dreaming has recognised his own abilities. If he lends to another person an order, he honours the part of itself which this other person personifies. If one carries him, is behind it, however, often vanity and craving for administration or purely exterior authority whom not from the personality, but from functions (for example, superior) arises.


In the dream an order symbolises the unison with the spiritual code.



  • see: great honour and reward receive,
  • receive: a good employment get, - you reach to respect, - also: you are ambitious and futile and would like to have praise for your work,
  • carry: your work will bring you honour and success,
  • lose: you reflect on bad person, - you lose your honour and are shamed,
  • vaterländische see or carry: an order or an other decoration receive,
  • lend to others: one may count on a rise to a higher position in the occupation.

(European ones).:

  • and decoration: warn about arrogance, - care before seduction, - one longs for certain honourings,
  • see: points to an honouring, - recognition by work and diligence,
  • see another with many or with him operate: if a valuable acquaintance,
  • promises
  • get lent: Warning of arrogance, - also: Misfortune by the faithlessness more different,
  • those tangle or carry: points to loss of honour and respect,
  • lend to others: one can count on a career push or on a higher professional post.


  • carry: you will receive disagreeable news,
  • receive: one will recognise your knowledge.

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