
The meaning of my dream!
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Salaciousness (Unanständigkeit)

In general:

Dreams stand often with the low aspects Even in connection with which one does not confront himself in the awake state ordinarily with pleasure. If in the dream salaciousness plays a role, the dreaming can deal with these impulses in the protected space of the dream, and without evaluating.


Salaciousness stands in connection with the selfperception. If the dreaming is indecent in his dream, he must realise his suppressed impulses. If another dream figure is indecent towards the dreaming, he must decide in which manner he is made in his everyday life the victim.


Salaciousness stands sometimes with bad actions in connection. If the dreaming identifies with this connection, he must understand about his own interpretation of the bad person or spiteful behaviour.



  • Your thoughts and wishes are indecent.

(European ones).:

  • indecent songs predict horrific, extravagant waste.

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