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New moon

medicine wheel:

Key words: Preparation on the examination of the female, - contemplation about the shadow side of the being, - change, - opposition against change, - fear of the chaos, - fear of the female. Description: New moon is the time in which the moon covers his face in the night sky completely. Dream of the night sky in which the light of the moon is not perceptible obviously, his presence, nevertheless, tells to have a dream of the new moon. General meaning: The fear of your female nature examine, - which investigate fear of the emptiness or the chaos. Association: New moon, new beginning, new month. Transcendent meaning: The gift of the courage with which you examine this which you have gone up to now from the way.



  • wrong friends deceive you, - also: you get a mysterious letter.


  • see: one will deceive you.
(See also the thirteenth moon, half moon, menstruation, moon, crescent, full moon)

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