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Mudjekeewis, western guardian of the mind

medicine wheel:

Key words: Grizzly bear, - harvest, - experience, - inside show, - strength, - courage, - ability, - maturity, - father of the hoist. Description: Mudjekeewis is the name, the Sun Bear was informed in his vision about the medicine wheel for the western guardian of the mind. The west is the time of the autumn, the time of the twilight, the time at which people have reached her maturity. It is a time of the power and the responsibility, a time in that for the children as well as for the old people must be provided. The element which is brought with Mudjekeewis connection is the fire, as a mineral the bacon stone, as a plant the cedar and as an animal of the Grizzly stands to him aside, - his colours are a blue and black. General meaning: Power, - your time of the maturity, - your strength. Association: - Transcendent meaning: A gift of the west. (See also 'directions - the west')

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