
The meaning of my dream!
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medicine wheel:

Key words: Blind, - underground, - shadowy, - connection with the earth, - look under the surface, - keeper and bearer of the unconscious. Description: The mole is an animal who lives underground and has a very bad eyesight. In the United States those which is not only without eyesight, but also without fur maybe exist one dozen kinds including. Although the gardener feels them as a plague, they help him, nevertheless, while they eat the insects who would pounce, otherwise, on the plants. General meaning: An instinctive part of you which has buried earth to themselves in the mother and understands your respect with her, - an understanding of the true meaning of ecology and the natural ways which allow to lead you an ausgeglicheneres life. Association: Double agent, in the subsoil live, - somebody who buries himself too deeply in his mental problems. Transcendent meaning: Can help you to see this what would remain concealed, otherwise, before your eyes.

In general:

Mole registers that one ignores himself misunderstood, or feels unfairly treated. Who dreams of him or of the hills pouting by him, is a little helpless because the future lies rather darkly before him. Some one that dreams of the blind animal, rummages without aim and purpose in the past and looks after grief over people or missed opportunities.


A tip dream: One should not balk 'to deep sensations' towards and argue also with edged out propelling needs and held back aggressions prospect ('in the depth')


The mole means because of his sad lot a blind person, further a vain strain because the animal struggles in vain. Who wants to be hidden, will give itself away. Since the mole is caught because he gives himself away by his own works. Popular:


  • see: indicates at a confidential enemy who wants to damage to you, above all in the professional one own position undermines, - one will make an effort in vain to achieve recumbent aims in the distance, - annoyance and frustration have,
  • covered to itself: to stay open a reminder, sincerely and and to damage secretly not other,
  • kill: one comes to danger to become a victim of a fateful mistake,
  • molehill: Pregnancy.

(European ones).:

  • advises the care, because the reliefs which one proves are not recognised by the people,
  • see: one is misjudged by others or is underestimated, - grief will strike, - also: one wants to surrender in a thing,
  • see digging one: Care in the occupation! others undermine the position, - unknown enemies have,
  • catch: one finishes all and attains fame and honour,
  • kill: one will commit a mistake or fall victim to such.


  • see: you are judged unfairly and/or bad treatment is found out.
(See also animals)

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