
The meaning of my dream!
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medicine wheel:

Key words: Ecstasy, - depression, - malleable, - Astralreise, - rest, - trust, - southern soul path. Description: The Lepidolith or lithium gleam is associated in the medicine wheel with the middle position of the southern soul path and with trust. In colour he varies of Rose up to all Violettönen. A derivative of the Lepidolith, the chemical lithium, is passed manically to depressive people as a drug. The mineral is used at medical and spiritual level and, in addition, is processed also to jewellery. Lepidolith, a soft, silver white alkali salt, has many qualities similar to the rock crystal, nevertheless, is applicable differently than this supposedly only for the public welfare. General meaning: Your ability to receive the general energy of the universe and to transmit. Association: - Transcendent meaning: A revelation of the powerful, positive aspects of your being, - a stone which can support you with Astralreisen also in the dream state, - a strength strongly binding the earth which can be seen with Astralreisen.

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