
The meaning of my dream!
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Country road



  • tells bad times and laborious trips in, - also: one will have to wait for news still long, - also: your duties press you, endures, soon it changes and better,
  • walk on it: one will get on in the life only if one proves perseverance and patience, finally, however, nice success achieves.

(European ones).:

  • country road symbolises an unwieldy other life with hard work, grief and worries.
  • see an endless country road or on it go: announces many difficulties in the occupation which must be overcome,
  • use an unknown, bad country road: speaks for the beginning of new enterprises which bring only annoyance and time delay,
  • one of trees and flowers lined ones: stands for pleasure and unexpected luck,
  • are accompanied by friends in a journey: an ideal family life in a nice one drive home,
  • leave one: one will meet a business wrong decision with financial losses.


  • walk on it: you will have to leave your job by your own guilt.
(See also 'street')

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