
The meaning of my dream!
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At the psychological level the dreaming possibly looks for cleanness with himself or with others. Or, however, he is afraid of the cleanness which already lives in his inside, and must come with her to the pure one. Maybe the dreaming is during the conflict with his natural desires. Ascetic can stand for the wisdom of the unconscious on which one should hear more. If one hits in the dream on an ascetic or holy man, one meets in him his own higher, to that personality aspect which strives incessantly for the Einswerdung with the divine. Maybe the ascetic stands in the dream also for the search for simplicity and the request to develop mental-spiritually by asceticism. Maybe he avoids sexuality or other contacts because he fear has felt or the need for restriction. Sometimes he also warns (as teetotaler) against restricting own needs too strongly by strict morality images and rules.


Asceticism in the dream could stand for the attempt to find the spiritual in the life and to speed up the development of the will.


(European ones).:

  • you develop solitary ideas which strangers fascinate, friends, nevertheless, deter.
(See also teetotaler, hermit)

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