
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - Stoicism, - natural wisdom, - craftiness. Question: - What is untamed in me? Where in my life I want to avoid the control?


Deep-psychologically looked he represents the irrational area of the soul life with imagination and creativity and asks to use these positive qualities more. Generally it is a symbol for bellicosity and adventurousness, craving for recognition and reality escape. If a riding Indian appears in the dream, the dreaming longs for challenges and changes and feels his life as monotonous and dull. If he feels himself as an Indian dressed up, nevertheless, his ambition and learning zeal will soon decrease. Indian is sometimes understood as a warning of cunning for which one must watch out. Now and again he can indicate travel urge. The image of the European of the Indian as one of nature from genuine people makes him the symbol for wisdom or primeval instinct. If an Indian appears in the dream, the dreaming with another kind of strength and energy establishes communication. He embodies the other healing and self-knowledge.


At the spiritual level the Indian symbolises in the dream an internal strength whose the dreaming can be aware or also not.



  • you will experience adventure,
  • Indians play: loyal friends find.

(European ones).:

  • means advantage which one can achieve only by a cunning, - also: one cannot be suppressed and fights for the right, even if it is connected with conflicts,
  • see Indian: Toils and works,
  • peaceful Indians see: in one the adventurousness awakes, above all in free nature,
  • Indians with war paint see: one is pursued by underhand people.


  • your longing for distant countries is very big.

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