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medicine wheel:

Key words: Pain-releasing, - healing, - useful with emergencies, - helps the skin. Description: Arnica, a type from the family of the composites to which also the thistles belong grows in the northern mountains of the United States and in Canada. It is a winter-hard plant with yellow blossoms which is brought internally as well as externally to the use. Internally she should help against shock states and pains, nevertheless, can cause with too high dosage poisoning, - externally arnica, processed to the ointment, helps supposedly against Verstauchungen, wounds, bruises and skin changes. General meaning: A look at your old pains, wounds and scars, - a help to the skin, either really or in the transferred sense. Association: - Transcendent meaning: A gift of the curing, - the first help.



  • pick: Your health strengthens itself, takes, however, the advice of your friends.

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