
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - Punishment, - conviction. Question: - In which areas of my life am I ready to misdeal?


If one himself is sentenced to death or another person, this is the highest possible punishment. Behind such a strong refusal own or another person the weighty reasons to which the dreaming must turn are. As with the decapitation the dreaming does not feel his execution often at all as especially awful. This vision also wants to point not to a special danger, but only registers that certain settings or relations were seen not right and should be roofed anew. We should contrive something new, our life change, around again anew motivates in the successful running to start. Execution dreams often appear with a change of a development stage in the next, or by the entry into the second life half. They are from nature dramatically and maybe reflect the feeling that the time runs out and one must walk fast to the action, before it is too late. If the dreaming is present in his dream at an execution, he has part in the act of violence and his action manner must maybe think over. If the dreaming himself is the executed, this is also to be valued as a warning before a forthcoming disaster. The execution against it which one himself carries out stands mostly for success and overcoming obstacles


At this level Could hang for spiritual suppression stand.



  • are present at one: Luck in the love have, - also: your curiosity will overthrow you in the downfall.
  • the own: one will get in need if one does not take seriously a warning, - also: unhappy love comes to her end.

(European ones).:

  • check of the present life setting to certain processes,
  • are present: registers that shall not be calculated on success with enterprises, - overcoming an enemy or creation of a new enemy,
  • of a friend or a being close person: if brings separation of a dear person,
  • even hangman be: promises that one will become destitute of the compassion,
  • carry out: if blood is present, one will win a process or a discussion, - if without blood or if the executed comes to life again, one cannot put out of action an enemy in spite of all efforts,
  • imminently: by the negligence other misfortune get to know,
  • like by a miracle are prevented: one will overcome his enemies and reach to prosperity,
  • are executed: announced victory over his enemies, - if pains are present tells this one illness in, - otherwise one will suffer from disgrace and degradation.


  • see: you will have big need.
(See also amputation, decapitation, hangman, operation)

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