
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - Connection, - obligation. Question: - What would like I to show?


Generally jewellery indicates joy and harmony. Bracelet can point out to the fact that one is loved by another person which does not recognise, however, yet consciously, - besides, mostly it concerns a close person. If one carries the bracelet himself, unfulfilled love stands behind it often to another person whom one hardly anticipates and has not pointed yet. Carry the bracelet in the dream in the wrist, can point also to discontent, above all if it is of gold. They feel not free and engaged. However, decorations or pictures can make another interpretation necessary. Several bracelets are also sometimes to be interpreted as a reminder to more thrift.



  • see: Love attain or have,
  • carry: you have quiet love, - a friend is found,
  • get lent: Joy approaches you,
  • receive as a present: one watches out for jealousy and a too big passion,
  • put in: quiet love carry in the heart,
  • put away: you will not have a lot of luck in the love,
  • lose: one should make no hope for the other duration of the love of a person to himself, because this relation will soon come to an end,
  • the golden: if wealth announces.

(European ones).:

  • put in: even completely grief one will be happy,
  • carry themselves one: real and quiet love, - a good friend find,
  • several carry very nice and precious themselves: Wealth stands out,
  • of gold: a good sign for monetary problems and dear problems,
  • receive given: forthcoming joy, - one should watch out for jealousy or a much too big passion,
  • give away to others: Luck for,
  • see in others or many: unnecessary issues,
  • the black: Illness and Siechtum,
  • find: quick marriage,
  • decrease: Profit,
  • lose or drop: in the love are cheated, - end of a love relationship, - capital loss.


  • you loves a person and you do not anticipate it, - looks round you in your circles a little bit more and you will find what you search for a long time.
(See also jewellery)

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