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Pale pink ones

medicine wheel:

Key words: Beauty, - unreserved love, - healing, - connection with the creator, - undeveloped femininity, - cleverness, - moon of the powerful sun. Description: Pale pink ones is the colour which is associated in the medicine wheel with the moon of the powerful sun (from the 21st of June to the 22nd of July). An ambivalent meaning is inherent in the pale pink. On the one hand Rose is the colour of the quite small girls, the cleanness, the undeveloped femininity, - the cleverness. On the other hand, she also symbolises the unreserved love, a form of the love which assumes big maturity. General meaning: Your undeveloped female nature or your ability of uncompromising love. Association: Rose as a symbol for health, - Rose as a colour of the homosexual. Transcendent meaning: A healing of the female, - a strong connection with the creator. (See also Rose)

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