
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - lure into the trap, - catch. Question: - What would like I to catch?


If a dream of a hook acts, this means that the dreaming is able to draw good as well as bad things. In dreams of children a chopping can refer to the power which a parent or an authority's person about them has. This symbolism can continue till the adult's age and then symbolise the dependence on another person.


At the spiritual level the hook is to be got in the dream a warning, not as a function of religious religious images and methods.



  • give up your hopes, the obstacles are big,
  • hang up a little bit on it: Patience and wait now is the best.

(European ones).:

  • see: one will have to enter joyless obligations, - also: Care is announced. One concludes no cash transactions in the next time, they could have bad effects.
  • hold in the hand: shortly one will get a present handed to which one will attach to big value.

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