
The meaning of my dream!
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Peach and apricot belong to few fruit symbols which refer emphatically to the bottom., For the rest, synonymous with the 'apple'.


Apricots call at the ripening period brief pleasures and deceptions, beyond the ripening period, however, vain strains.



  • see: good view,
  • eat or own: Luck and well-being.


  • an ambivalent symbol: Luck in all, but bad luck in the love. In the dream to see a decayed apricot, is called that times of the privation and the renunciation approach.

(European ones).:

  • see: Profit and joy,
  • see growing: must count in future on worries and problems,
  • immature ones eat: an illness approaches,
  • matures eat: Health, luck and success in the love,
  • others see eating: are confronted with annoyance and problems from the surroundings,
  • sell: commercial success.


  • you is getting late, but happily marry.
(See also 'apples')

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