
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - Restoration of the order, - purification, - preservation and care. Question: - What do I look after, or what do I produce again?

In general:

The cleaning in the dream wants to ask us to clean in own character over and over again and to clean the 'dirty places'.


One should escape from mental, spiritual and moral dirt and refuse which blocks the fine canals to the spiritual level. It is important also which objects one 'sweep' in the dream out or which mud one wipes off. Therefore, one follows the remaining dream symbols.



  • reinemachen: you should make order, - also in your friendship: one is reminded to use more care to the care of interpersonal relations and to be more helpful towards friends,
  • to itself: one will do well to appear as more modest and more simple in the external life.

(European ones).:

  • clean: one should maintain interpersonal contacts better and be more helpful towards friends,
  • clean a little bit shiningly and clean: if a sign is for diligence and order and promises wage, - one should preserve a pure character,
  • get dressed up: a reminder to more modesty and simplicity,


  • make: you may hope for favorable fortunate circumstances,
  • clean something: very regular relations, - good household.
(See also Sweep of)

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