
The meaning of my dream!
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Who uses up his powder in the dream pointlessly, also had to complain in the awake life his energy soon verpulvert and then about much too weak nerves.



  • from the chemist's shop: you will visit a health resort, - also: your marriage is in danger,
  • gunpowder: War, - your enterprise is ventured, - annoyance and frustration,
  • (gunpowder) see exploding: if a sudden event or a fright promises.

(European ones).:

  • gunpowders see: advises not to go in all things too far, - one should put current attempts immediately,
  • work with such: one gets involved in a very risqué and dangerous adventure,
  • get from the chemist's shop: if means illness, help and improvement.


  • for shooting: disagreeable times.

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