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Security / impound

In general:

Pfändung warns about losses which one often has to ascribe to own rashness, - this can also refer to the separation of a person.


The application of the unconscious whom we should redeem in the awake life and we must pay attention to what is taken in the security. Who gives a security, is sure to a friendship not too. Games of forfeits point, by the way, to the wish to get closer to each other in quite a certain intention. A Pfändung points to the separation of an old habit.



  • take: his advantage know how to calculate, - also: you mistrust your friends, this brings annoyance,
  • give: with the people wake trust, - also: your love does not last long,
  • impound: Grief and need do not go out.

(European ones).:

  • one does not know how to help itself in his big worry and must try to save what is to be saved, - warns about waste and advises the thrift in house and court,
  • give away one: Warning before a rash and disadvantageous connection or obligation,
  • accept: one can count on a friendship or acquaintance,
  • Pfändung suffer: meant a separation or a menacing loss,
  • order with a debtor: for a carelessness or too big good nature one will be punished.


  • give: you cannot hold your word,
  • receive: is not stonyhearted.
(See also seizures, pawnshop)

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