
The meaning of my dream!
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Association: - curative care, - sympathy. Question: - Which part by me wants to be looked or must provide for others?


A nurse can sometimes appear if one gives too many troubles about the health himself. However, she not always is the person who maintains us and contributes to our healing. In women's dreams she stands often for the competitor, - however, in the positive sense it is also to be seen as the soul sister. As being full of feeling ('Anima) she appears - positively as negatively - in man's dreams. Often she expresses the need for allowance and care.



  • see: one will soon find the solution for a serious problem and, moreover, understanding for his ideas and concerns,
  • for woman, see themselves as one: there is a being close person whom one would like to help with pleasure,
  • for man: dissatisfied married life and longing for allowance.

(European ones).:

  • see: if is a good sign, - business interests will prosper.
  • work as those in a hospital: one will endure a mental suffering patiently,
  • occupy one: it announces to itself a bad illness or an unhappy meeting between friends,
  • leaves them her house: if a sign is for good health in the family,
  • Dreaming a young woman to be a nurse will earn them because of her unselfishness esteem. If she says goodbye to a patient, she will succumb to a deception.
(See also mother, sister, maintaining occupationsunder person)

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