
The meaning of my dream!
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With it one wants to join something which has broken and belongs together, actually. A frequent dream in the suitable stage of a respect crisis: One dreams of touching a paste mixture or of 'to cementing' broken dishes with a glue. However, such dreams also want bewuƟtmachen that this process probably 'ties together' both parts again and leads at first sight to a new 'totality' and unity, but that the jump cannot be undone by it - with bigger load he could lead again 'to the break'. Paste stands in general for passing failures and disappointments which are preprogrammed by negative expectations. If he sticks to the hands, warns about the entanglement in unfair machinations.



  • is always honest,
  • paste: your friends hold faithfully to you.

(European ones).:

  • is the sign that one owns means to hold on desired and to tie up in himself,
  • see: one can forge to themselves his luck if one files negative thoughts,
  • have in the hands: one will undertake something forbidden.


  • see: Need and misery are only from short duration.
(See also paste, glue)

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