
The meaning of my dream!
Interpret your dreams online. Over 9,000 dream symbols are available.

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If these or other night birds appear, something will happen what can detain the dreaming in his work. However, reason for the concern does not exist, no damage will originate. It is different if such an animal enters in own house, because with him an uncanny feeling of loneliness combines. The dreaming fears to lose friends, friends or members. The dream prophesies not necessarily this, he indicates only the fear of it.



  • see: your friends withdraw, you become lonesome,
  • hear shouting: you will receive irritating or sad news, - (13, 77)

(European ones).:

  • hear see or shouting: if means illness, grief or grief, very seldom, however, a death.


  • unhappy events.
(See also owls, eagle owl)

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