
The meaning of my dream!
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If one gives alms, points this willingness to make sacrifices and points out at the same time to the fact that one should not be mean internally. To the outside one is generous with pleasure, gratitude and consideration also, however, expects for it. Alms express received the fear not to create it even any more, to be a burden to others or to have to ask. Outwardly one fears material need so much that one would like to protect himself 'at all costs'. Even if one would have to (allow to degrade himself for it.



  • give or take refuse: Annoyance and frustration experience,
  • with joy conceive: one can be certain to receive help in a predicament quite unexpectedly, - a long-preserved wish could come true,
  • with prejudices take: you will become poor and ill, you will bring disgrace about your house,
  • distribute: glad days approach, - your plan achieves good success, - the view of financial success for the next time is good.


  • Being one in the dream receiver from alms, so a light financial improvement remains to expect.
  • distributed one alms to others, so is to be calculated on a strong increase of own social position.
  • denying you to itself, nevertheless, to give alms or to accept, hard times approach you.
  • recommends quite in general the symbol, to be less hard and to raise more understanding for others, above all for weaker.

(European ones).:

  • are requested and decline: Signs for bad luck,
  • give freely: promises the deprived luck and probably soon of an improvement of his financial relations, however, the rich annoyance and financial problems,
  • receiver of alms be: joyless events approach,
  • conceive: good friends and good shops, you will get a good office, - also: one be certain to receive help in quite an astonishing predicament, - also: a long-preserved wish could come true,
  • see a receiver of alms: one will appeal to your generosity.
(See also beggar, poverty, hobo)

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