
The meaning of my dream!
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Goose's flowers

In general:

Because goose's flowers are closely connected with the childhood, they show as a rule innocence and cleanness.


The flower of the Umschuld and childish naturalness - who picks them in the dream must not necessarily own these qualities - rather he has seen it on it. Sometimes also a hidden aggression dream: One feels irritated from a much too 'good', naive person. Particularly when one tears out the innocent little flowers dreamt-wise or niedermäht. In the dream the daisy can also stand for the psychological awakening of the dreaming.


The daisy is a symbol of spiritual cleanness.


(European ones).:

  • is the symbol of the innocence and means loyal love, - one manages happy time, - everything,
  • a bunch: if sadness,
  • promises
  • are on a meadow with blossoming goose's flowers and the sun seems and the birds twitter: it will join luck, health and wealth with each other and accompany lifelong to one,
  • see beyond the suitable season: this will break Nastily upon one.
(See also flowers)

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