
The meaning of my dream!
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Fern / fern


Fern has a sexual meaning after old dream books, - one is thereby admonished, themselves do not add unrestrained to sexual desires and passions. In the traditional interpretation: Luxuriant fern is a symbol for the 'help of the nature' - what dealt with prosperity in terms of good harvest and rich livestock.



  • lewdness, vice, - tender gang tie on themselves.


  • a fresh healthy fern informs us that the time is ripe to realise old plans.
  • of wilted dried out fern warns about hasty decisions.
  • All together suggests the dream sign to think through his plans well and to perform so much preliminary work as possible. If this is given, the dreaming can be glad about good times.

(European ones).:

  • see: bad portents will be expelled by happy hours,
  • wilts: many and different illnesses in the family circle, will strongly disturb, - also: Annoyance,
  • in pots: the success will appear after difficulties and strains.


  • you is unvirgin and a slave of your passion.

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